the all - seeing, all - knowing sun

x โ€ƒFIG. 1โ€ƒ

01. โ€ƒโ€ƒthis is an independent, ๐–ญ๐–ฎ๐–ณ ๐–ข๐– ๐–ญ๐–ฎ๐–ญ ๐–ข๐–ฎ๐–ฌ๐–ฏ๐–ซ๐–จ๐– ๐–ญ๐–ณ, private writing blog for dc comics' diana prince ( wonder woman ). i'm romeo and i'm 22 (he/him). EST. 2022 , โ€ƒ#WONEDEUSโ€ƒ.
โœง mature themes may be present on this blog, such as violence and mentions of sexual content.
02. โ€ƒโ€ƒmy portrayal of diana is very loosely canon inspired, with most of the canon material i acknowledge coming from wonder woman vol. 2. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT NEW 52 OR ANY RETCON OF DIANA'S BIRTH. , โ€ƒI DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ZEUS AS HER FATHER.โ€ƒ.
โœง triggers on this blog will be tagged as "[ trigger ] //". i will try to tag everything, and ask that you tag sexual assault.
โœง this portrayal of diana takes historical inspiration from scythian and ancient greek cultures, as well as headcanons diana to be persian. there are also heavy fantastical elements to this blog.
03. โ€ƒโ€ƒthis blog is primarily driven through plots and memes. i do not typically post starter calls as i want to develop long - lasting dynamics and plots with the folks i'm mutuals with. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO USE MEME RESPONSES AS STARTERS , that's what they're there for: to write with you! i adore expounding off of memes! โ€ƒFOR PLOTTING ASK FOR MY DISCORD - MUTUALS ONLY.โ€ƒ.04. โ€ƒโ€ƒin order to keep my peace of mind on here, i ask that you do not follow me if you write any harry potter muses or billy stranger things or homelander or the deep. this is non negotiable, even when it comes to multis.05. โ€ƒโ€ƒthis blog is multiship. in my primary main verse, diana's endgame relationship is with Rio's Mitch Rapp. this means that this relationship is the main exclusive ship in my primary verse, and any other relationship in this verse takes place prior to her meeting mitch, or in an alternate verse.06. โ€ƒโ€ƒall the lore for this blog is from me alone. i have created my own version of paradise island, and my own lore for diana that incorporates the comics in a certain way. I WILL SPOT IF SOMETHING IS LIFTED. my comic icon psd is from @somresources, same as this carrd template.

x โ€ƒFIG. 2Aโ€ƒ

........NAME..../ / / / :....DIANA PRINCE.
pronounced [ dee - ana ], emphasis on second syllable.
original title: princess artemisia ashti of paradisary, daughter of hippolyta
........D.O.B...../ / / / :....UNKNOWN.
chosen date is september 24th, just during autumn. she is over a thousand years old.
........ETHNICITY...../ / / / :....PERSIAN.
the amazons are from persia (what we know as iran) and settled in greece, then were resurrected by grecian goddesses during the mycenaean period.
........GENDER...../ / / / :....CISGENDER WOMAN.
she/her in pronouns.
........SEXUALITY...../ / / / :....BISEXUAL.
no preference
........LANGUAGES...../ / / / :....FRENCH, ENGLISH, FARSI (also: ancient persian and modern), GREEK (ancient, modern), SPANISH, MANDARIN, CANTONESE, GERMAN, ITALIAN.
finds the different dialect between mandarin and cantonese to be tricky, but is fluent in all.
........PROFESSION...../ / / / :....formerly JUSTICE LEAGUE MEMBER, STAR SAPPHIRE .
currently working as the emissary and united nations ambassador between paradisary and our world.

DIANA PRINCE: a woman made of clay and blessed by the gods multiple times over, diana lives as a current emissary and ambassador of her world to ours; she is known as a god-slayer, and the all-seeing sun.POWER OVERVIEW: flight, super strength / hearing / reflexes (comparable to superman), advanced hand-to-hand combat, weapon mastery, communication with animals, some teleportation ability, knowledge of witchcraft + herbs, superhuman durability, immortality, superhuman senses.NOTES: since the events of wonder woman vol. 2 #208 - 210, diana has two snake bite scars on her left shoulder. she also has trouble seeing in both eyes due to blinding herself: though her eyesight has been restored, there is still a need for eyeglasses at times. she also sees floaters sometimes.

x โ€ƒFIG. 3โ€ƒ

here is aaaa โ€ƒTALE aaa as old aaaasaaa time...

โ€ƒONCE UPON A TIME.โ€ƒ made of clay and blessed by goddesses of old, she was born and bred to be a warrior and princess of paradisary, to train in their arts and indulging in royal duties, so that one day she may reign alongside her mother. she worked harder than hard, following and sometimes defying the will of the gods, following her instincts and heart to explore and defend her island. when steve trevor crashed upon the island, it was her who won the amazon's competition of who would safely lead him back to man's world, as well as teach man's world amazonian ways of living in hope that they would turn away from the destruction inherent in them.
she took the name DIANA and explored back to man's world, where she was immediately seen as a hero.

โ€ƒNOW, 2O22.โ€ƒdecades after her first excursion to man's world, diana has now returned permanently. after the reconstruction of paradisary with the help of the gods, her home now residing in a permanent position. wanting to do more with her work, diana resigned from the justice league as an active member, and now works full time as an emissary and ambassador of paradisary to our world, working hard to keep the peace between worlds.
she lives in new york as an icon of peace and hope, spreading the message of her people everywhere she goes, through everything she does - be it battle or seminar.

...aaa and sheaaa โ€ƒWAS KNOWN โ€ƒaaaasaaa WONDER WOMAN,

x โ€ƒFIG. 4โ€ƒ

/ / / / / / / / / / / : โ€ƒโ€ƒthereaaa โ€ƒAREโ€ƒaaa too aaamanyaaa LIVES.

[ * ]โ€ƒMAIN ARC. diana prince has permanently moved to our world from new paradisary, after it had been destroyed and made brand new. she works as an emissary and ambassador from paradisary to our world, runs and works alongside the WONDER WOMAN FOUNDATION, and is in the process of writing her second book. she is something of a celebrity , easily recognizable due to her justice league work, if not for her good deeds done all over the globe.[ * ]โ€ƒPARADISARY INHABITANT. created for more fantastical elements, this verse is set during the golden age of diana's life. she is a princess of paradisary, blessed by the gods and not yet living in our world. she trains day in and day out as a warrior of her island, but longs to see the outside, patriarch's world; she is supplemented by adventures to distant lands and worlds, slaying whatever monsters come her way.